Temperatures in Western Colorado boasted 50 degree nights. (What a contrast to 80+ in kansas!)
To me, it was almost perfect.
See Western Colorado holds a very dear place in my heart. My family would die of shock if they knew how much I loved it.
Several years ago I spent 2 weeks with my grandma there. I couldn't wait to retire. I was a teen, at the time!! But she lived the life. Early to bed, early to rise. The day started with a cup of coffee and a Bible. Then outside to the garden and the fruit trees. A walk, visiting people, going to the market. Life was simple and was lived as such.
My late teen years led to what my family refers to as rebellion. I got my ears pierced, got a cell phone, got a boyfriend. Oh yeah. Every mother's worst nightmare.
My life got full. Running here and there doing this and that. Can you believe that over the next 6 six years -what I longed for most- was to go back to that time of life lived simple?
I got a taste of that in Spain. Several times a week I would walk over a mile to get fresh meat at the butcher and fresh fruit from the market. A couple times a week I would walk down to the little store at the bottom of the hill for fresh bread. Days started with a morning run followed by some quietness on my patio with a cup of coffee.
I had forgotten how much I craved that until last weekend in Western Colorado. For one brief morning, I realized as I was sitting there drinking coffee and reading my Bible, watching the sunrise- This is what it's about. Living life simply. Not cluttering life with meaningless things. Surround it with things or people you care about. Focus on life and living it.
And drink plenty of coffee.
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