
Little Cooking Shortcuts 101- In-a-Pinch Salads

This one can be done by anyone... It's a great little something to throw together quickly. There are several methods to my madness and different ways of throwing this together. The reason why I do this is because I would end up buying a head of lettuce and a package of carrots and a bag of tomatoes, etc. and most of it would wilt or go bad before I was able to use it up. If this isn't the case for you, you can read this for your own amusement. I did this for the convenience of it saving money, of it being right around the corner, and of it only being $4.99/lb at the Salad Bar.

browneyedbaker's pic
1 package of precut lettuce
A Dillon's or other supermarket with a Salad Bar

If in a hurry or late also grab on your way out the door:
~Cute (and large) plastic bowl with lid**
~Serving utensils
~Salad Dressing

Go through the Salad Bar picking out your favorite veggies- tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, onions, etc. (sky's the limit, or your pocketbook)
Method 1. Scrap remembering the dressing as you are running out the door. Buy some at the store when you are there. Especially if you can't read the expiration date on your bottle at home.
Method 2*. Use the dressing at the Salad Bar. Cover the veggies with a lite Vinaigrette. (Good idea if you don't know who is going to be at this party)
When you get out to the car toss the package of lettuce and the veggies  (*and dressing) into your cute bowl, cover and shake.
You are now ready to party!

P.S. This is a good one to teach the guy in your life. Show him once or twice which veggies you prefer and he can stop on the way home and pick this up! Then you can toss it together at home for your own party or before you head to someone else's party.

**Good thing to invest in... you never know when it will come in handy.

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